Fallout 4 character creation mods
Fallout 4 character creation mods

fallout 4 character creation mods

pressing 3d preview you will be able to see in another screen how the changes in the parameters give more or less deep to the normal map.A window will pop up like the one shown in the Normal map window picture. Select Colors -> Color to alpha and then select black or 000000 as the source colour.You can create the normal map from the texture you've just painted, to do it this way just follow these steps: Once you've painted the textures you'll have to create the normal maps that are the image files that will give your armour a sense of volume. Make sure that the Generate mipmaps flag is marked when you save the textures. If they have transparency save them as DTX3 or DTX5.

fallout 4 character creation mods

If the images don't have transparent parts you can save them with DTX1 compression. Once you've painted the armour textures save them as dds as this is the image format that the game requires. Their name usually ends wuth the extension. You can immport the UV map image file you saved earlier into GIMP and use it as a pattern to paint the textures: this way you will know at any time what part of the sword you are painting.ĭiffuse maps contain mainly the colours of your armour. Next step is to paint the textures: to do this you can use a program like GIMP.

Fallout 4 character creation mods