Max payne 2 mods
Max payne 2 mods

Protect the Don and make a name for yourself in The Family while wearing cool Fedoras.

max payne 2 mods

Perhaps most importantly, it gives Max Payne fans the weapon they were born to use: the Tommy Gun. Set in 1930s Chicago, The Family is a black-and-white total conversion that takes players out of the shoes of a detective and puts them into the boots of a mob soldier. Fall of Max Payne 104, 2078 Myr Frans 13, 296 MDA model 512, 154 Mead.

max payne 2 mods

The Family takes noir back to its old school roots. Max Payne provides a contemporary spin on 1940s and '50s film noir. Half-Life's crowbar-wielding protaga-scientist, Gordon Freeman, becomes the lead character in this mod, and he brings terrorists, zombies, and special forces soldiers with him. Mash-up time! If you've grown tired of killing gangsters in the original Max Payne, and have had enough of Max's trademark smirk to last a lifetime, Max Freeman just might be the mod you're looking for.

Max payne 2 mods